Hi, my name is Daniel Calderón.
I'm a Front-end engineer freelancer from Sevilla, Spain, focused on web development.
Currently, working at Avallain, developing e-learning products for clients all around the world, as Richmond or Oxford University Press.
At the beginning of my career, I had the opportunity to attend of most prestigious design courses in Spain, Programa Vostok, taught by Javier Cañada.
This course allowed me to acquire a deep knowledge about interface and product design. Meanwhile, I worked as UI designer at Secuoyas, being involved in public and private products.
After my foray into design, I decided to return to my developer side, being a partner and part of one of the first agile companies in my home city, working with Rails to develop cross-platform websites.
That's when I decided to begin my journey as a front-end freelancer, working on important companies such as jobandtalent, a digital temp staffing agency online, where I started to become a JS developer working with ES6 and Node.js.
Nowadays, at Avallain, I'm developing e-learning solutions for important clients and improving my javascript skills in React and Gatsby.